After the Certificate Authority has activated and issued you the certificate, you may proceed with deploying it in your cPanel. Take the following steps:
- Log in to your cpanel account
- locate and select SSL/TLS manager in the security section
- Click on manage SSL sites under install and Manage SSL for your website (HTTPS) menu.
- Copy the certificate code you received from the Certificate Authority including -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- and paste it into the Certificate: (CRT) field on the next page.
- By clicking the Autofill by Certificate button, which displays next to the input certificate, the system will attempt to get the domain name and private key. You may also manually insert the certificate and private key into the respective areas after selecting the domain from the drop-down list. If the system fails to get the private key, you can find it in the SSL/TLS Manager's Private Keys (KEY) section. Please include Begin/End headers and footers for the certificate and key. In the event that the private key is missing, please produce a new CSR code together with the private key and reissue your SSL certificate.
- If it is not already filled in, copy and paste the chain of intermediate certificates (CA Bundle) into the box under Certificate Authority Bundle (CABUNDLE).
- Click Install Certificate, and presto! The certificate for your site has now been deployed on the server. The site should now be reachable via https://.