Domain Registration

Search for your perfect domain

Great things started with a domain, begin your journey. | | .com | .net | .info


Boost your Domain

Secure your domain with these features.

Reseller Hosting

Start your Reseller Busines with us.

Starting from P159.99 Order Now

Get Business Emails

Use your domain to get emails direct to your mailbox.

P11.99 per mail box / month Order Now

Dedicated Cloud Storage

Get private file storage for you and your team.

Starting from P349.99 Order Now

Domain Features

Expert Support

You are covered by a Support Team that is renowned for being one of the most knowledgeable, friendly, and professional in the business. Real people ready to assist you with any issue, any time, 24/7.

Fully accredited domain registrar

As a trusted partner of all the major Botswana domain accreditation authorities you are in safe hands.

Auto Renewal

We know you are busy. We will make sure your domain stays in your name by reminding you when it is up for renewal.

Get email hosting using your Domain

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Frequently asked questions

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical naming system that helps users find their way around the Internet. Each resource connected the Internet, such as a computer, has a unique address - just like a telephone number - that is a complicated string of numbers called an "IP address" (IP stands for "Internet Protocol" ). Because IP Addresses are difficult to remember, the DNS makes using the Internet easier by appropriating a string of letters (the "domain name") to be used instead of complex IP address. So instead of typing 304.252.198.1, you can type It is a "mnemonic" device that makes addresses easier to remember.

Click on the "Domains" link in the top menu and select "Register new domain" in the drop-down. Make sure to perform availability check first, Getting Started then you can proceed with registration. Register Domains

We do not have such limitations. You can register as many domains as you want.

We do not have such limitations. You can register as many domains as you want.

The process of domain registration with Atom Media takes a few seconds provided that you have already created an account. However, you will be able to use your domain only in 4-48 hours when the Root DNS data is updated.

When the domain expires its owner has about a month to return it. In case no actions are taken to return the domain it will be lost. The domain owner receives the corresponding email notifications.